Frizz-Free Heatless Drying Tips for Straight Hair

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Let's talk about the classic towel turban wrapping technique where you twist your hair into a towel to start the drying process. What you probably don't know about this technique is that the towel's harsh texture causes frizz and the wrapping can result in breakage from the tension.

Switch your regular towel with a soft microfiber towel or simply a cotton T-shirt. These a lighter than regular towels, creating less tension and potential breakage when wrapping your hair into them. You can choose to either twist your hair into the towel / T-shirt or try the hair plopping technique to give your straight hair a natural bend and volume at the crown.


This technique is popular among people with curly patterns and is also known as dry plopping. When plopping, place the micro towel or T-shirt on a surface, bend over, and let the ends of your hair touch the towel, then slowly move your head down towards the ends. Once your head reaches the towel, wrap the towel around your head. This way your hair is compressed and scrunched while drying

Micro Plopping

This technique is a great follow-up after dry plopping or you can skip dry plopping and only do micro plopping. Place the microfiber towel or T-shirt over your hands and gently scrunch upwards to your head. To create more volume at the root, move your head from side to side and upside down and repeat the scrunching. This technique removes excess water and speeds up your hair's drying time. 

How Long Should I Dry?

Your hair porosity can guide you in how long you should dry your hair wrapped in the towel:

Low porosity takes a long time to dry, so leave it on for 30 minutes
Medium porosity takes some time to dry, so leave it on for 15-30 minutes
High porosity takes less time to dry, so leave it on for 15 minutes


What Is My Hair Features?

Your hair has essential features when it comes to finding the right products and techniques for your hair. These are hair type, porosity, width, density, and scalp type. Don’t know these features? We got you! Download the Compar App and say hello to your personal AI hair care advisor, who assists you in identifying your hair's unique features, presents personalized product recommendations, evaluates ingredient toxicity, and collects tailored guidance to manage your hair's specific needs. Experience a personalized platform with all you need for beauty!

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